Terms of Service

Last updated on the 19th of May 2023.

Welcome to StartRisk! We're excited to have you here. This Terms of Service outlines the rules you need to follow when using our services. Remember, by using our services, you're saying you've read, understood and agreed to the Terms of Service.

1. Saying Yes to StartRisk's Rules

When you sign up for StartRisk or use our services, you're saying "yes" to all these rules we've written down here.

If you don't agree with any of these rules, then we're really sorry, but you shouldn't use StartRisk. We know it sounds harsh, but it's important that we're all on the same page about how things work here.

Also, sometimes we might need to change these rules. When that happens, we'll let you know by updating this page or sending you an email. If you keep using StartRisk after we've changed the rules, that means you're okay with the new rules.

And remember, by using StartRisk, you're saying "yes" to all these rules. So let's make sure we all play by them! If you don't follow them, we might have to stop you from using StartRisk. And we don't want that!

2. Using StartRisk's Services

Here's the deal when you're using StartRisk:

  • You're in Charge: You're the one in control of your StartRisk account. That means you decide how and when to use our services. Just make sure you're following the rules we've laid out.
  • We're here to Help, Not to Replace: Remember, StartRisk is a tool to help you manage risks, but it's not meant to replace your judgement or professional advice. So, use your noggin, and don't solely rely on us for all your decisions.
  • No Tampering: Don't try to mess with our services or do sneaky stuff like hacking, inserting viruses, or trying to access other users' accounts. That's a big no-no.

  • OpenAI's AI products: We use AI products from OpenAI in StartRisk. They are pretty smart AI products, but remember they don't know everything and sometimes they might get things wrong. So, just like with our services, don't use them as your only source of advice.

3. StartRisk and OpenAI

At StartRisk, we use some clever AI tech from a company called OpenAI. Their AI is a big part of how we help you manage risks.

Here's what you need to know:

  • OpenAI's Rules: OpenAI has its own set of rules for how to use it's AI products. When you use StartRisk, you're also saying "yes" to their rules. We'll do our best to keep you in the loop if those rules change, but it's also a good idea for you to check them out yourself from time to time.
  • AI is Not Perfect: As smart as AI is, it's not perfect. It doesn't know everything and it can make mistakes. So, use your own judgement as well, and don't rely only on what the AI says.
  • Data Sharing with OpenAI: To help the AI work, we might need to send some of the things you say to OpenAI. Don't worry, we'll keep things anonymous and we won't send anything that would identify you.

4. Your Responsibilities When Using StartRisk

Using StartRisk comes with a few responsibilities. They're pretty straightforward:

  • Your Account: Keep your account details up-to-date and accurate. This helps us get in touch with you when we need to. Also, don't forget to keep your password a secret – it's your job to protect it.
  • Your Actions: You're responsible for all the things you do (or don't do) while using StartRisk. If you use StartRisk to break the rules, cause problems, or even break the law, you'll have to face the consequences.
  • Your Devices: Make sure whatever you're using to access StartRisk – like your computer, phone, or tablet – is protected and up-to-date. We don't want any nasty viruses or hackers getting in. If your device isn't safe, don't use it to access your information on StartRisk.
  • Your Content: You're responsible for all the information you put into StartRisk. Make sure it's accurate and not going to harm anyone.

5. How You Should Use StartRisk

We've built StartRisk for you to use responsibly and respectfully. Here's what that means:

  • Be Legal: Don't use StartRisk to do anything illegal. This includes breaking any laws in your local area or Australia, where we're based.
  • Be Nice: Don't use StartRisk to harm, threaten, or harass anyone. We're all here to help each other out, so let's keep things friendly and professional.
  • Be Honest: Don't use StartRisk to share false information or to trick or defraud anyone. Always be upfront and honest.
  • Be You: Don't pretend to be someone else or represent a business you're not affiliated with. Also, don't share your StartRisk account with anyone else – it's for your use only.
  • Be Careful: Don't try to break, hack, or mess with StartRisk in any way. This includes trying to test our systems for vulnerabilities or getting around any restrictions we've put in place.

6. Trying Out New Things

We're always working on making StartRisk better, and sometimes that means trying out new features. Here's how that works:

  • Beta Testing: Sometimes we'll invite you to try out a new feature while it's still in the testing phase (we call this a 'beta test'). Remember, these features are still being tested, so they might not work perfectly all the time.
  • Your Feedback: If you're part of a beta test, we'd love to hear what you think. Your feedback helps us make StartRisk better for everyone.
  • No Guarantees: Just a heads up, we can't promise that any feature in beta testing will definitely be added to StartRisk. And if we do add a new feature, it might not work exactly like it did in the test.

7. Your Privacy Matters to Us

Your privacy is a big deal, and we respect that. Here's how we handle your information when you use StartRisk:

  • Your Information: We'll need to collect some of your information to make StartRisk work for you. This includes things like your name, email, and payment details. And when you talk with our AI, we might collect some of the things you say, to help it learn and get better.
  • Keeping it Safe: We're committed to keeping your information safe. We use secure technology to protect it, and we won't share it with anyone else without your permission, except when we need to by law.
  • Your Choices: You have the right to know what information we have about you, and to ask us to update it or delete it. If you want to do that, or if you have any questions about privacy, just get in touch.
  • Privacy Policy: We have a detailed Privacy Policy that explains all this in more depth. By using StartRisk, you're saying you've read that policy and you're okay with it.

8. Keeping Your Data Safe

Your data is important, and we take protecting it very seriously. Here's how we handle data security at StartRisk:

  • Protection: We use secure technology to protect your data, and we follow industry best practices to keep it safe.
  • Data Breach: We hope it never happens, but if there's a data breach, we'll let you know as soon as we can. We'll also tell you what we're doing to fix it and how you can protect yourself.
  • Your Responsibility: It's also up to you to protect your data. That means keeping your password secret and logging out of StartRisk when you're done, especially if you're sharing a computer.

9. Paying for StartRisk

StartRisk isn't free, but we think it's worth every cent. Here's how payment works:

  • Monthly Payments: When you sign up for StartRisk, you agree to pay a monthly fee.
  • Automatic Billing: We'll automatically charge your credit card each month. This will happen on the same day you signed up. For example, if you signed up on the 10th, we'll charge your card on the 10th of each month.
  • Trial Periods: If you signed up part way through a trial period we will add any remaining period to your first billing period so you get the full benefit of the trial.
  • Stripe as Our Payment Processor: To keep things smooth and secure, we've teamed up with Stripe to handle all our payments. Stripe is like the StartRisk bouncer who only lets the right transactions get through. They use top-notch security to protect your payment details. Your credit card info goes directly to Stripe via a secure connection, and we never see your card number. Want to know more about how Stripe handles your info? Check out their Privacy Policy.
  • Updating Payment Details: If your card details change, you need to update them via Stripe's Customer Portal (you can find a link to this from the account section of StartRisk). If we can't charge your card, we might have to stop your StartRisk service until you sort it out.
  • No Refunds: Just a heads up, we don't give refunds. So if you cancel halfway through the month, you won't get any money back. But you'll still be able to use StartRisk until the end of the month.

10. Fair Use of StartRisk

StartRisk is a bit like an all-you-can-eat buffet, but even those have limits. Here's what you need to know:

  • Flat Rate: You pay a flat monthly rate for StartRisk, no matter how much you use it. It's like paying a single price for the buffet and eating as much as you like.
  • API Calls: But remember, when you use StartRisk a lot, it costs us more. That's because we pay each time StartRisk talks to the clever AI system that powers it.
  • Fair Use: To keep things fair and make sure everyone gets to enjoy StartRisk, we might need to set a limit on how much you can use it. If you're making way too many API calls, we may have to slow things down or even pause your service for a while.
  • Keeping You Informed: If we need to limit your use, we'll always let you know. You can also check your usage anytime in your account settings to make sure you're not overdoing it.

11. Using StartRisk from Outside Australia

StartRisk is designed for businesses in Australia. But hey, we understand that sometimes, people from other parts of the world might want to use our service too. We're cool with that, but there are a few things you need to know.

If you're not in Australia, our service might not work the same way for you. We've built StartRisk with Australia in mind, so if you're somewhere else, some features might not be available or work properly. If that happens, we're really sorry, but we can't promise we'll be able to fix it.

Also, different countries have different laws. We've made sure StartRisk follows Australian laws, but we can't guarantee it meets all legal requirements in other countries. If you decide to use StartRisk from somewhere else, that's totally your decision, and you need to make sure it's okay according to your local laws.

12. Who Owns What at StartRisk

When it comes to stuff you see on StartRisk, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Our Stuff: We (StartRisk) own our services and everything you see on our platform that we've put there. This includes text, logos, graphics, our technology, and the way we organise things on the website or app. It's all protected by copyright and other laws, which means you can't use it without our permission.
  • Your Stuff: You still own any information or content that you put into StartRisk. But, when you put it on StartRisk, you're giving us permission to use it so we can provide you our services. Don't worry, we'll treat it with respect and only use it in ways you'd expect us to, like displaying it in your account or analyzing it to give you insights.
  • Third-Party Stuff: Sometimes, we might use tools, data, or content from other people or companies (like OpenAI's AI products). We don't own that stuff – it still belongs to them. So, you have to respect their rules when you use it.
  • Your Respect: Just like you respect our stuff, we ask you to respect other users' stuff. Don't copy, change, or use things that belong to someone else unless they've given you permission.

13. We've Got Your Back, But There Are Limits

At StartRisk, we're here to help you manage risks. We work hard to make sure our services are top-notch. But, like all things in life, we're not perfect. Here's what that means:

  • Mistakes Happen: While we aim to give you accurate information and helpful tools, there might be times when we make a mistake or something doesn't work right. If that happens, we're really sorry. But you need to know that we won't be able to pay for any problems or losses that might come up because of it.
  • Your Decisions are Yours: Our services are here to help guide you, but your decisions are ultimately up to you. So, if you make a decision based on something you've seen in StartRisk, and it doesn't work out, we can't take responsibility for that.
  • Not Everything is in Our Control: Sometimes, things outside our control might affect StartRisk, like a big internet outage or a natural disaster. If something like that happens, and it stops you from using StartRisk, we can't be held responsible.

14. When Rules Get Broken

We don't like it, but sometimes rules get broken. Here's what happens if you don't stick to these terms:

  • A Friendly Warning: If you break a rule, we'll usually let you know and give you a chance to fix things.
  • Temporary Time-Out: If you keep breaking rules, we might need to put your StartRisk account on pause for a while.
  • Goodbye, For Now: If things really don't improve, we might have to stop your access to StartRisk completely.

15. When Things Go Wrong

We hope nothing ever goes wrong, but if it does, here's what you need to know:

If your actions lead to legal issues or damages (like if you do something illegal, or if someone sues us because of something you did), you're responsible for sorting that out. That means you'll have to cover the costs, and you might need to pay us back if we have to pay for anything because of it.

We really don't want anything like this to happen, so please, stick to the rules and use StartRisk responsibly.

16. Sorting Out Problems

If you ever have a problem with StartRisk, we really want to know about it so we can help sort it out. Here's how we'll do that:

  • Step 1 - Let's Chat: Before anything else, get in touch with us. We'll do our best to fix the problem or answer any questions you might have.
  • Step 2 - Mediation: If talking doesn't solve the problem, we might need to get a neutral third person (called a mediator) involved. They'll help us understand each other's points of view and hopefully find a solution we're both happy with.
  • Step 3 - Legal Action: If we still can't sort things out after mediation, then it might be time to take legal action. If that happens, we agree to do it in a court in Brisbane, Australia, following Australian law.

17. When It's Time to Say Goodbye

We hope you'll stick with StartRisk for a long time, but we understand that sometimes things change. Here's what happens if you decide to stop using StartRisk, or if we need to end your service:

  • You Calling It Quits: You can stop using StartRisk anytime. To do that, you just need to cancel your subscription in your account settings. But remember, we don't do refunds, so you'll want to time it right.
  • We Need to End Things: Sometimes, we might need to stop providing you with StartRisk. This might happen if you break these rules, or if we can't charge your credit card, for example. We'll always let you know if this happens, and we'll explain why.
  • What Happens After: When your StartRisk service ends, you won't be able to access it anymore. Make sure to save any data you want to keep before that happens.

18. Changes to These Rules

The world's always changing, and sometimes we'll need to change these rules to keep up. Here's how we'll do that:

  • Giving You a Heads Up: If we need to change these rules, we'll let you know at least 30 days before the new rules kick in. We'll do this by updating this page and sending you an email.
  • Your Choice: If you don't agree with the new rules, you can choose to stop using StartRisk before they kick in. If you keep using StartRisk after the new rules start, we'll take that to mean you're okay with them.

19. The Rules of the Game

We're based in Brisbane, Australia, so we follow Australian law. That means Australian law will apply to these rules and any issues that might come up between us.

So, for example, if there's a disagreement and we end up having to go to court (we really hope it doesn't come to that), it would happen in Brisbane, and the court would use Australian law to make their decisions.

This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and StartRisk. By using StartRisk, you're telling us that you're okay with all of this.

While we're here to help you manage your risks, you've got a part to play too! If you can't stick to these rules, or if you don't agree with these points then unfortunately, you won't be able to use StartRisk.

If you have any questions about these terms, please contact us: